A “Break Glass Unit,” often referred to as a “Break Glass Call Point” or “Emergency Break Glass,” is a safety device commonly used in buildings, facilities, and public spaces to quickly trigger an alarm or alert in case of emergencies. It’s designed for situations where immediate action is needed to notify others about a crisis, such as a fire, medical emergency, security breach, or other dangerous situations.


Components and Usage:

  1. Glass Panel: The Break Glass Unit features a glass panel or cover that needs to be broken to access the activation mechanism beneath. This glass is usually thin and easily shattered when pressure is applied.
  2. Activation Mechanism: Behind the glass, there is a button or switch that, when pressed or activated, triggers an alarm or alert. This could be connected to various systems, such as fire alarms, security alarms, or emergency notification systems.
  3. Reset Mechanism: After the glass is broken and the activation mechanism is triggered, the unit often requires a reset or replacement of the glass panel to ensure that the device can be used again.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Activation: In an emergency situation, a person can break the glass by using a hand or object to apply pressure. This action reveals the activation button or switch.
  2. Pressing the Button: Once the activation mechanism is exposed, pressing the button or switch initiates the alarm or alert.

Location and Purpose:

Break Glass Units are strategically placed in easily accessible and visible locations where emergency situations might arise. Common locations include:

  • Near building exits
  • Along evacuation routes
  • In corridors and hallways
  • In stairwells
  • In high-risk areas such as kitchens or laboratories
  • Near fire alarm panels

Types of Alarms:

Break Glass Units can be linked to different types of alarms or emergency notification systems, depending on the facility’s needs:

  1. Fire Alarms: Activating a Break Glass Unit might trigger a fire alarm, alerting occupants to evacuate the building.
  2. Security Alarms: In situations involving unauthorized access or security breaches, a Break Glass Unit could trigger a security alarm to alert security personnel.
  3. Medical Alarms: Some Break Glass Units might be used in healthcare settings to call for medical assistance in emergencies.


Break Glass Units provide a simple and effective way for individuals to initiate emergency alerts when time is of the essence. They can help ensure a rapid response from occupants, emergency services, or security personnel, potentially preventing further harm or damage.


Regular maintenance of Break Glass Units is crucial:

  • The glass should be kept intact until a genuine emergency occurs.
  • Regular checks should be done to ensure the unit is operational and the activation mechanism functions properly.
  • Any activated unit should be promptly reset and the glass replaced.


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